Submitted by: JackyG510
Posted: August 6, 2024
Trail Condition: Passable
07/27/24. Starting at Coast Rd the trail is clear and very pleasant. It follows the creek under a redwood canopy until the trail crosses the creek.
This is where the incline begins. You leave the redwood canopy and enter the hilly scrubland. Out of nowhere, you come across a three-way fork in the trail crossing a road.
The two roads are clearly marked as private property, and a large sign directs you to follow the trail into the brush. The trail is steep and narrow. Many small branches of brush and poison oak graze against your legs.
I would not reccomend wearing shorts. The trail has several deadfalls that have been cleared or carved into making it passable. Some parts of the trail look freshly cut into the hillside and the soil is still soft, uncompacted from lack of use.
At one point the trail is about 100 yards away from the road that runs parallel with the trail. This is where I bushwhacked to meet the road and explored the area following the road.